Southbroom Conservancy is a Not-for-Profit organisation of volunteers who manage and protect many of the natural aspects that make Southbroom special.

To preserve in perpetuity, the natural environment of coastal riverine forest, coastal bush and grasslands for the benefit of the creatures occurring there and for the delight of current and future generations of mankind.
To protect and manage the environment through the application of sound conservation practices, including the eradication of alien vegetation, the removal of snares and the creation and maintenance of trails;
To educate, generate interest and activate participation by encouraging residents and other interested parties to the preservation of Southbroom’s ecosystem and the associated flora and fauna;
To promote eco-tourism, activities and public awareness to the importance of the environment and indigenous flora by providing access to unspoilt green lungs of particular biodiversity and natural beauty;
To raise funds in order to achieve our objectives and fulfill our Mission

Meet The Team
Previous Chairpersons:
2003 - Inception 2003-2014 - David Halle 2015 - Peddy Bam 2016 - Sharlene vd Slikke

(Spotted Eagle Owl, Isikhova)

Anne Skelton (2017 - present)
Passionate conservationist and avid botanist (Anne is one of a few individuals working as part of the Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers – CREW - Programme, who give selflessly of their time and energy to search for and conserve, the multitude of threatened plants in our country), is also an Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Honorary Officer, (a volunteer service organisation to supplement and support the staff of Ezemvelo in their conservation work within protected areas and District Conservation Areas), Anne is not one to worry about getting dirty! She is pretty much in the bush on a daily basis, ambushing alien-invader plant intentions to take over our green lungs! Together with Alfred, she pushes back, yanks them out and scares the heck out of them so they don’t want to come back!
She has a deep well of flora and fauna knowledge – she is our highly-esteemed ‘wise owl’ – and is the one to call with any questions regarding our natural treasures. Anne is undoubtedly the soul of the Conservancy.
Vice - Chairperson
John Pole
John is our ‘legal-eagle’ and casts a scrutinising, discerning eye over all our Conservancy matters. He is also a Protector of Creatures, big and small, lover of wild, jungly, uninhabited spaces & long stretches of only fauna-imprinted beaches. John always makes a plan when called upon to come to a rescue, from baby buck to building bridges, he’s our main man!
(African Crowned Eagle)

Hilary Henderson
Hilary has always been passionate and very knowledgeable about gardening and plants. Since retiring and moving permanently to Southbroom some two years ago, Hilary has quickly become part of the community, getting involved with the public gardens, and learning more about local and indigenous plants by joining walking groups and other conservation groups along the coast. She has always had a yen to explore and find out more, if she wants to know something she’s like a Jack Russell and won’t let go, no matter where it might take her. Her passion is the preservation of flora and fauna for future generations and to encourage others to learn more and share in her passion.
(Green Wood Hoopoe)

Alf Hayter
Alf, our budding botanist, is amongst other things, a passionate petrol-head who spends his spare time renovating vintage vehicles … that is, if he’s not cruising the back-roads on his BMW motor-cycle! This gentle-man always avails himself to assist at awareness-building functions & events and is responsible for our membership database.
(Grey duiker – Mpunzi)

Bob Kempthorne
Our in-the-background wiz-with-figures accountant responsible for our year-end financial report … an ardent gardener, his piece of Southbroom-heaven is an oasis for our local bokkies who visit regularly to snack on indigenous delicacies planted by him and his wife, Della.
(Blue duiker - Impithi)

Committee member
Sue Armitage
A tomboy at heart, Sue loves nothing better than getting into her tool-shed and knocking something useful together! She is a vivacious committee member who enthusiastically and eagerly supports the social awareness events hosted by the Conservancy and brings her cheeky sense of humour and fun with her, wherever she goes!
(Vervet monkey - Nkawe)

Committee member
Annie Pickering
Our newest committee recruit, hailing from the Cape, Annie fell in love with Southbroom, its sub-tropical climate and wild bananas! She is keen to play her part in conserving the South Coast gem that is our town.
(Collared sunbird) Loves the nectar of the wild strelitzia!
Committee member
Paul Fleishack
Marine Biologist by trade (Wits and UKZN) and a teacher by profession. Now a Biomimicry Educator, he teaches Biomimicry to high school students, teachers, wildlife guides and other groups.
(African Fish Eagle)

Media Liason Officer
Taryn Burns
Wildlife photographer and filmmaker with a long spanning career in conservation in Africa, Taryn is a gentle lady with a fierce heart when it comes to looking after our oceans, green spaces & every life they support. Taryn handles our social media account content and the graphics for our awareness drives and events.

Game Guard
Joseph Ndlovu
Joseph has been part of the Conservancy team since 2010. He reports to and is managed by John Pole, who supervises his duties. Together they decide on Joseph’s daily functions and routes. These include searching for and removing game snares, reporting illegal dumping and suspicious movement of potential squatters. Joseph also regularly patrols our Bushbuck & Imbezane Trails, the Frederika Preserve and Admiralty lands.
(Large Spotted Genet – iKathi Lehlathi)

Alient Plant Invasion
Alfred Ngilande
Alfred joined the team about 10 years ago as understudy/ second pair of hands. He was previously employed in the construction industry so can dig a mean trench with perfectly square sides! Quite handy when planting new trees. He has quietly learned the alien invasive plants and the best method of controlling them. His avatar is the porcupine – ngungumbane as he is forever rooting about in the vegetation.
(African Porcupine - ngungumbane)

Alient Plant Invasion
Michael Ntuli
Alfred now has Michael Ntuli as help 1 day a week. Mike was trained by Pam Quarmby and is an excellent gardener. This he exhibits on his continued maintenance of the Granny’s pool garden and Dassie trail for SRA. He is still anxious about being in wild places alone and so bolsters his spirits by whistling. Thus his avatar is the Dark backed weaver – bos musikant.
Dark backed weaver (bosmusikant)

Honorary Member
Remembering - Dave Halle
Renowned conservationist David was one of the Southbroom Conservancy founding members, serving from inception in 2003 until 2014 as Chairman. He was also responsible for carving out the initial path of the Bush Buck Trail. David is a local legend and widely respected for his knowledge & care of the environment and was always willing to step up to the plate when called upon to rescue, protect and provide sage advice on all matters conservation-related.
(Bush Buck ram, Nkonka)