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Image by Sigmund

Recycling Depot

The 24 Hour After-Hours Recycling Depot located just outside the Southbroom dump site, is a Southbroom Conservancy initiative and is maintained by us;

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Signage at the entrances into Southbroom, at main beach entry points and throughout town encouraging people to keep our town, beaches and bushes clean, as well as bringing attention to a ‘NO FIREWORKS PERMITTED’ town policy and educational signage about our creatures, located at Eyles Park and Grannies Pool;


Biodegradable bags

Providing biodegradable bags for owners to clean up their dog poop when out walking the beaches – these can be found at: Chick Henderson Beach, Shad Rock, Sea Village, the 4th tee (in front of Pin Hi), the 5th tee, Umkobi Beach and at Eyles Park adjoining the Southbroom Tennis Club;



Don’t you just love it? As you’re driving into our coastal haven of Southbroom, the jungly-ness of the vegetation? The Vervet monkeys carousing without a care on our streets? The gentle Blue Duiker and shy Bush Buck which often bless us with a showing? The magnificent Crowned Eagles which can be seen soaring the thermals above the Umdoni’s, Milkwoods and Natal Mahogany’s?

These creatures, just to name a few which make Southbroom their home, & the incredible flora in which they live, are part of a diverse natural eco-system which adds an undeniable value and attraction for the human residents, who have also chosen to live here, and so too the visitors who holiday here.


Have you considered why Southbroom is known as ‘The Jewel of the South Coast’? Together with our active Southbroom Rate Payers Committee and the individual efforts of concerned residents & benefactors, the Southbroom Conservancy, a registered Not for Profit Organisation, endeavours on a daily basis, to take care of this natural treasure – not only for the benefit of its creatures, but also for that of the people who are drawn to spending time in this part of the sunny South Coast. In fact, it is this very treasure, its proximity to the ocean & beaches, the hospitality & small-town appeal, which make Southbroom what it is. We support each other because we are a community.

Those folk who are not yet members, this is a special Call-To-Action for you - we need you too!

Without funding from our community members and visitors, our job to safe-guard our flora and fauna, is handicapped. We are on a drive to increase our membership base as with these funds, and those raised from various awareness functions & events, we are able to do the following:


  • Pay the salaries of our game warden, Joseph, who daily patrols our green lungs, who reports back on animal activity, illegal squatters, illegal dumping and removes snares, and that of Alfred, who assists our chairperson with the ongoing task of removing alien plant invaders which have a negative impact on our water tables and indigenous plant species;

  • Manage & maintain the various trails, which are enjoyed by both residents & visitors alike. This has included the building of bridges across the stream of the Bush Buck Trail and maintenance thereof – this has also included the re-building of some of these after severe storms.

Our trails include:

  • The Frederika Preserve, which was overgrown and infested with alien plant invaders, but is now clear and boasts a beautiful trail and viewing deck;

  • The Mbezane River Walk was also impenetrable and is now a delightful walk to do;

  • The Outlook was another infested area which has been transformed into a place of joy and beauty that incorporates the short but spectacular Dassie Trail;

  • The Bushbuck Trail area has been cleared and is now virtually free of alien invaders and this peaceful trail is rich in birdlife, mammals and plants.


  • We are closely involved with the ongoing maintenance of the upgraded Grannies Pool area and viewing deck on the Frederika Preserve;

  • Participation in the continuous water-testing which has resulted in the overall pollution of our ground water being dramatically reduced;

  • Signage at the entrances into Southbroom, at main beach entry points and throughout town encouraging people to keep our town, beaches and bushes clean, as well as bringing attention to a ‘NO FIREWORKS PERMITTED’ town policy and educational signage about our creatures, located at Eyles Park and Grannies Pool;

  • Providing biodegradable bags for owners to clean up their dog poop when out walking the beaches – these can be found at: Chick Henderson Beach, Shad Rock, Sea Village, the 4th tee (in front of Pin Hi), the 5th tee, Umkobi Beach and at Eyles Park adjoining the Southbroom Tennis Club;

  • The 24 Hour After-Hours Recycling Depot located just outside the Southbroom dump site, is a Southbroom Conservancy initiative and is maintained by us;

  • Monitoring and liaison with Strelitzia harvesters, farmers and police. Many folk do not realise that the abundant Strelitzia nicolai (wild banana’s to many) are actually trees. The flower-heads of the Strelitzia are harvested by pickers who are paid a collection fee by business-men who then sell the seeds to international buyers in China, America and Belgium – the bright orange aril is used in cosmetics. However, much of the harvesting occurs on private property and in the bushes which we aim to protect. The trees are often hacked down in order to reach the flowerheads and other vegetation is destroyed as the harvesters trample indiscriminately through the bush, leaving a trail of destruction and litter.


Apart from the fact that the harvesters are collecting in areas from which they are prohibited and/or illegally entering, these trees provide a food source to our wildlife in the form of:

  • Nectar to birds, bees, butterflies and other insects;

  • Flowers are eaten by the birds and monkeys;

  • Seeds are eaten by the birds, monkeys and blue duiker, who eat the seeds the monkeys drop;

  • They provide housing for blue duiker, genets, a host of assorted insects and to bats, both fruit and insectivorous.

Your R500.00 per annum will make a difference!

We earnestly request that you join as a member of the Southbroom Conservancy and make payment of the annual subscription which will assist in keeping Southbroom the jewel it is, or if you’re a visitor and care about what you see around you and would like to assist us, please consider a donation. THANK YOU

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