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(Established 20 December 2003)




The name of the Conservancy is the Southbroom Conservancy (hereinafter, “the Conservancy”), an “Urban” conservancy registered with the KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conservation Board.  The conservancy is situated in Southbroom, KwaZulu-Natal and incorporates the area from the beach in the East to the Main road in the West, and from the Umkhobi river in the South to the Imbezane river in the North, consisting of land vesting in the Hibiscus Coast Municipality, zoned “conservation”, together with adjoining private erven vesting in the members from time to time.  Also included is the Frederika Nature Preserve.

Image by Kristaps Ungurs


To preserve in perpetuity the natural environment of coastal and riverine forest, coastal bush and grasslands for the benefit of the creatures occurring there and the delight of future generations of humankind.

O B J E C T I V E S 

  • To protect and manage the environment through the application of sound conservation practices, including the eradication of alien vegetation, the removal of snares and the creation and maintenance of trails

  • To educate, generate interest and active participation by adjoining residents and other interested parties, including South Coast schools, in the preservation of the Conservancy’s ecosystem and the associated flora and fauna

  • To improve general security in the area

  • To promote eco-tourism, bird-watching and public awareness of the importance of the natural environment and indigenous flora by providing access to an unspoilt setting of particular biodiversity and natural beauty

  • To raise funds to achieve its Objectives and fulfil its Mission

M E M B E R S H I P 

  • Membership shall be open to any person and organisation supporting the Conservancy’s Mission and Objectives

  • The membership of the Conservancy shall consist of paid-up Family Members, paid-up Corporate Members and such Honorary Life Members as may be appointed from time to time as well as Honorary Members such as representatives of schools and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife.

  • Application for membership shall be by means of written application

  • Membership subscriptions shall be laid down by the Annual General Meeting

  • Memberships shall lapse should subscriptions remain unpaid for six months and may be terminated for improper conduct with the Conservancy, as determined by the managing committee

M A N A G E M E N T 

  • Management of the Conservancy shall vest in a Committee of officers elected by the members from their number.  Committee officers shall retire annually at the Annual General Meeting, but may make themselves available for re-election.

  • The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and so many ordinary officers as the Annual General Meeting may from time to time decide.

  • The Committee shall from time to time make such rules and by-laws as it deems necessary for the conduct of its meetings and the efficient running of the Conservancy.


  • The Conservancy financial year shall end on 30 September annually

  • The Treasurer shall deposit all moneys with an approved banking institution

  • The Conservancy accounts shall be drawn up in an accepted bookkeeping manner and be submitted for approval at every Annual General Meeting

  • At least two signatories (of four mandated Committee officers) shall sign all cheques and withdrawals from the Conservancy bank account


Annual General Meeting

The AGM shall be held annually within ninety days of the financial year-end

Members shall be given fourteen days’ notice of the AGM together with notice of the agenda and proposals for consideration thereat

The business of the AGM shall be:

  • To receive the Chairman’s annual report

  • To receive and approve, with or without modification, the annual financial accounts

  • To elect Committee officers;

  • To set annual subscriptions; and

  • To conduct general business

  • A quorum shall comprise 10% of members in good standing

Special General Meetings

  • A Special General Meeting may be called either by the committee, or upon receipt of written request therefore signed by not less than 10% of the members

  • Members shall be given fourteen days’ notice of the meeting and shall be fully advised of the agenda and the purpose of the meeting

  • A quorum shall comprise 10% of members in good standing.

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings shall be held monthly or as decided by the Committee


  • Only paid-up members and Honorary Life Members may vote at General Meetings.  Corporate members shall, irrespective of the number of representatives present, enjoy a single vote.

  • The Chairman of any meeting shall enjoy both a deliberative and casting vote.


In the event of there not being a quorum present at any meeting, that meeting shall be deferred for a period of seven days.  The number of members present at the re-convened meeting shall constitute a quorum.


  • A member wishing to amend the constitution shall give the Secretary written notice thereof with the proposed amendment/s and the reasons therefore at least one month prior to the Annual or Special General Meeting convened to consider the matter

  • Amendment of the constitution shall require a two-third’s majority of members present at the duly-constituted Annual or Special General Meeting concerned.


The Conservancy shall sue and be sued in the name of Southbroom Conservancy.

D I S S O L U T I O N    

In the event of the dissolution of the Conservancy, its property and funds shall not devolve to any member, but shall be disposed of to another organisation having conservation objectives operating on the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal.


The above Constitution was duly adopted at a Special General Meeting of the members of the Conservancy, held on 20 December 2003.

Image by Kristaps Ungurs
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